Tips to create beautiful tablescapes

Come to think of it! A lot of the moments in a wedding is about gathering over the dinner reception table to eat, drink, chat, and mingle.

Thus, the tablescape at your wedding is one of the most important spots which you’d like to put some resources to make it beautiful and cohesive to your wedding theme.

Let’s discuss a few tips on how to create a great one!

  1. Make it personal
    Guests would feel so happy and welcomed when they see their names or faces or their spot with a small personal gift!

2. Bring life to the tablescape by using fruits
Fruits bring interest and life to the tablescape. It enriches the texture, the dimension and also the color palette.

3. The LIGHT is important!
I might have probably emphasized in previous blog posts before, lighting is essential in enhancing the mood. Whether it be candles on the tables, lighting next to them or above them, it is always a good to have when the sun sets.

4. Don’t miss out the tableware and furniture!
A lot of times we place a lot of focus on the flowers but miss out the tableware and furniture. Those were important elements of a beautiful tablescape too! If you have the budget, look for suitable crockery, cutlery, chairs and tables to blend with the wedding theme.

5. Consider the dimensions
Think of the whole space and consider the heights of the setup too! See if tall or short setup fits your venue, ambience and guest experience.

Hope you’d enjoy these tips and do let us know what you’d like to know more about!